Mónica Aragüés Peñalba (CITCEA/UPC, Spain)
Artificial Intelligence based solutions for electrical grids
Adrian Bachtold (ICFO, Spain)
Towards quantum electromechanical states in a nanotube
Franck Balestro (Institut NEEL CNRS/UGA, France)
Molecular magnets, a fascinating plateform for quantum experiments
Denis Basko (LPMMC/CNRS, France)
Demystifying Superradiant Quantum Materials
Núria Bayó (BIST, Spain)
Scientific talent II: Multiple ways for research career development
Frédéric Bonell (Spintec, UGA/CNRS/CEA, France)
Molecular beam epitaxy of 2D materials and ferromagnets: towards scalable 2D spin devices
Sergio Busquets Monge (UPC, Spain)
Progress in Switching-Cell-Array Power Conversion Research
Mairbek Chshiev (Spintec, UGA/CNRS/CEA, France)
Spin-orbitronic phenomena in nanostructures comprising transition metals, oxides and 2D materials
Ramon Costa (UPC, Spain)
Modelling, control and integration of energy storage systems
Géraldine Dantelle (Institut Néel / UGA / CNRS, France)
Near-infrared luminescent nanoprobes for bioimaging and nanothermometry
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Cecile Delacour (Institut NEEL CNRS/UGA, France)
Sensing neurons at multiple scales
Adrian Diaz Alvarez (MANA/NIMS, Japan)
Dynamical Pathway Tuning in Neuromorphic Nanowire Networks
José Luis Domínguez-García (IREC, Spain)
Beyond SmartGrids: Making the electric grid secure, stable, reliable and resilient
David Ferrand (University Grenoble-Alpes (UGA), France)
Quantum thematic program of the graduate school of University Grenoble-Alpes
Luis Fonseca (IMB-CNM (CSIC), Spain)
NFFA-Europe PILOT: offering access and researching infrastructure schemes for science in the nanodomain
Pol Forn (IFAE, Spain)
Introducing project AVaQus: Annealing-based Variational Quantum processors
Daria Gusakova (Spintec, UGA/CNRS/CEA, France)
Three-dimensional magnetization textures
Ryoma Hayakawa (MANA/NIMS, Japan)
Integration of attractive molecular functions into a single-carrier transistor
Takuya Iwasaki (MANA/NIMS, Japan)
Quantum transport in graphene/hexagonal boron nitride moiré superlattices
Xavier Jordà (IMB-CNM/CSIC, Spain)
Wide and Ultra-wide bandgap power devices: key technologies to undertake the electrification and decarbonisation challenge
Bruno Juliá Díaz (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
One dimensional lattice quantum droplets
Bruno Juliá Díaz (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Master in Quantum Science and Technology, Barcelona
Vasileios Karanikolas (NIMS, Japan)
Weak and strong coupling light-matter dynamics considering non-local effects
Roshan Krishna Kumar (ICFO, Spain)
Nano-imaging photoresponse in a moiré unit cell
Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO, Spain)
The Coming Decades of Quantum Simulation
Monica Lira Cantu (ICN2, Spain)
Defect passivation in “soft” halide perovskite materials for photovoltaic applications
Pascal Mailley (CEA, France)
Microsensors for microfluidic integration : toward cell culture and body monitoring
Pietro Massignan (UPC, Spain)
Dilute impurities in a Bose-Einstein condensate:
Orthogonality catastrophe and perturbative solution at unitarity
Arben Merkoci (ICREA/ICN2, Spain)
Nanobiosensors for point-of-care diagnostics applications
Aitor Mugarza (ICREA/ICN2, Spain)
Fabricating carbon-based nanoarchitectures with atomic precision
Tadaaki Nagao (MANA/NIMS, Japan)
Nanostructured Devices for Wavelength-Selective Radiative Heat Transduction
Pierre Nataf (LPMMC/CNRS, France)
Heisenberg SU(N) models for cold atoms
Xavier Obradors (ICMAB, Spain)
New opportunities for low cost nanostructured Coated Conductors for superconducting power applications
Xavier Obradors (ICMAB, Spain)
Materials and nanoscience research in Catalonia
Eduardo Prieto Araujo (UPC, Spain)
Modern power electronics dominated systems
Victor Puntes (ICN2, Spain)
How do nanoceria work? The metabolic control of the immunochemical potential
Camille Raillon (CEA, France)
Protein discrimination using aptamer-functionalized nanopores
Imma Ratera (ICMAB/CSIC, Spain)
Impact of Stimuli-Responsive and Hierarchical RGD Nanostructured Surfaces on Integrin-mediated Cell Guidance
Cecile Repellin (LPMMC/CNRS, France)
Ferromagnetism and quantum anomalous Hall effect
in twisted bilayer graphene
Nicolas Retière (Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
Fractal Analysis of distribution power grids
Nicolas Roch (Neel Institute-CNRS, France)
A SNAIL Travelling Wave Parametric Amplifier
Stephan Roche (ICREA/ICN2, Spain)
Topological Spin Transport in
Quantum Materials and Entanglement
LLuis Rovira (CERCA, Spain)
The contribution of CERCA to the Knowledge Economy in Barcelona
Samuel Sanchez (IBEC, Spain)
Swarms of nanorobots: smart nanoparticles swimming in vivo
Anna Sanpera Trigueros (UAB, Spain)
Time crystallinity in open quantum systems
José Santiso (ICN2, Spain)
Phase coexistence and strain gradients during metal-insulator transition in VO2 epitaxial films: a structural study
Jean-Luc Schanen (Grenoble INP, France)
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics: from packaging to EMC filter optimization
Maria Soler (ICN2, Spain)
Label-free nanophotonic biosensors as integrated solution
for early and rapid diagnostics
Jordi Sort (UAB, Spain)
Magneto-ionics for energy efficiency: challenges and opportunities
Seiya Suzuki (NIMS, Japan)
Direct growth of germanene at the interface
between a van der Waals material and Ag(111)
Taniguchi Takashi (MANA/NIMS, Japan)
New functions in diamond and BN crystals obtained under high pressure
Leticia Tarruell (ICFO, Spain)
Realizing a chiral BF theory in an optically dressed
Bose-Einstein condensate
Klaas-Jan Tielrooij (ICN2, Spain)
Graphene electrons for highly efficient thermal transport and nonlinear terahertz photonics
Pascal Tixador (Institut NEEL CNRS/UGA, France)
Some results of the EC project FASTGRID
Sergio O. Valenzuela (ICREA/ICN2, Spain)
Engineering two-dimensional materials by proximity effects
Ying-Chiao Wang (NIMS, Japan)
Self-powered UV photodetectors with ultrahigh air stability
based on a 2D coordination nanosheet