Quantum Materials have a huge potential to impact established industrial sectors, building new emerging industries and niche segments and creating economic value.
The 1st edition of the Quantum2021 International Conference (November 23-25, 2021: Bilbao, Spain) will present the most recent advances in Quantum Materials fundamental research and applications.
More than 30 high profile worldwide most influential academia & industry experts in this sector will present speeches in this international event on how Quantum Materials will change the future of technology and impact positively our daily life.
Quantum2021 will be a three-day in-person event that means to gather the key players of the Quantum Community and related sectors.
The Phantoms Foundation is a Professional Conference Organiser specialised in the planning and execution of conferences and online meetings focused on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology and in particular “Graphene and 2DM”. The Phantoms Foundation, a non-profit organisation, is a key actor in structuring and fostering European Excellence and enhancing collaborations in these fields, giving as well high level management profile to National and European scientific projects (Involved in 11 European projects in the last 10 years either as coordinator or partner) and providing an innovative platform for dissemination, transfer and transformation of basic nanoscience knowledge, strengthening interdisciplinary research in nanoscience and nanotechnology by catalysing collaboration among international research groups. |
Currently, one of its main core activities is to organize International conferences, meetings and workshops in particular in the “Graphene and 2D Materials” area: |
The Institut Catala de Nanociencia I Nanotecnologia (ICN2) is a flagship research institute within the CERCA network of centres created and supported by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia to raise Catalan science to the premier international level. The patrons of ICN2 are the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat), the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Its core activities are Frontier Basic and Applied Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Technology Transfer, and Public Outreach. Currently, ICN2 numbers some 200 staff from over 30 countries, of which about 170 are researchers. In addition to the theoretical and experimental groups involved in the project, ICN2´s activities in graphene include thermal management, photovoltaic, biosensors and energy applications, gathering about 40 researchers (permanent staff, postdoc and Ph.D. students). ICN2 achievements were recognised in 2014 with the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence accreditation, the most prestigious award targeting research centres in Spain.
The Donostia International Physics Center Foundation (DIPC) was created in 1999, the fruit of institutional collaboration between the Departments of Education and Industry of the Basque government, the University of the Basque Country, the Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa, the San Sebastián City Hall, the Kutxa of Guipúzcoa and San Sebastián. Iberdrola S.A. also participated in the project from 2000-2003. In 2004, Naturcorp Multiservicios S.A, joined, followed by Telefónica S.A in 2005.
- The DIPC was created as an intellectual centre whose main aim is to promote and catalyse the development of basic research and basic research oriented towards material science to reach the highest level. Since its creation, the DIPC has been an open institution, linked to the University of the Basque Country, serving as a platform for the internationalising of basic science in the Basque Country in the field of materials.
- During its short life, the DIPC Foundation has become an international point of reference in basic research in the field of the Physics of Materials. This relevance shows in the quality of the researchers who have done research stays at the Foundation, the international level of the conferences held there, and, mainly, by the importance of the scientific contributions made as a consequence of the activities carried out at the DIPC.
Born in 1999 as a joint initiative between Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and Universidad del Pais Vasco – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), the long-term aim of CFM is to push forward the frontiers of knowledge on advanced materials science research, by putting together stable teams with a record of excellence in scientific research. CFM quality work has been recognized by the Basque Government acknowledging its instrumental body MPC (see CFM’s governance) as a Basic Excellence Research Center (BERC).
CFM headquarters are located in Donostia-San Sebastián, and offers a well configured, high quality working environment with modern facilities (building is operational since 2010), both for experimentalist and theoreticians.
CFM regularly hosts more than 120 professionals, from over 20 different nationalities. The research groups incorporate permanent scientific staff, postdoctoral researchers, predoctoral researchers as well as master and undergraduate students. Researchers receive continuous support from a strong team, in administrative, technical, computing, outreach, communication and project management activities.
Organising Committee |
Antonio Correia (Phantoms Foundation, Spain) - Chairperson |
Ricardo Muiño (DIPC, Spain) |
Pablo Ordejon (ICN2, Spain) |
Stephan Roche (ICREA/ICN2, Spain) |
Daniel Sanchez Portal (CFM/CSIC, Spain) |
International Scientific Committee |
To be defined |
Technical Committee |
Concepción Narros (Phantoms Foundation, Spain) |
Joaquin Ramón-Laca Maderal (Phantoms Foundation, Spain) |
Jose Luis Roldan (Phantoms Foundation, Spain) |
© Phantoms Foundation 2021 |
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