Oral Submission: If you want to submit an oral contribution (10 min), please use the submission form online to send us your abstract - More Info |
ORALS (31) |
Mario Amado (University of Salamanca, Spain)
Valley currents via ballistic edge modes in graphene superlattice near the main Dirac point
Aleandro Antidormi (ICN2, Spain)
Optimizing Graphene Photothermoelectric Detectors
Cihan Bacaksiz (University of Bremen, Germany)
Differences in magnetic properties of CrI3 and CrBr3 monolayers caused by spin-orbit coupling
Alexander Block (ICN2, Spain)
Experimental observation of giant thermal diffusivity of Dirac fluid
Luis Canonico (ICN2, Spain)
Disentangling Orbital and Valley Hall Effects in Bilayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Rebekka Garreis (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Shell fillig and trigonal warping in graphene quantum dots
Sebastian Grieger (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Site selective oxidation of monolayered liquid-exfoliated WS2 by shielding the basal plane through adsorption of a facial amphiphile
José Hugo Garcia (ICN2, Spain)
Spin-Orbit Torques in Magnetic Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Andrea Liscio (National Ressearch Council of Italy (CNR), Italy)
Multiscale Charge Transport in van der Waals Thin Films: Reduced Graphene Oxide as a Case Study
Thomas Lyons (The University of Sheffield, UK)
Giant effective Zeeman splitting realized by spin-selective strong light-matter coupling
Michele Magnozzi (Università di Genova, Italy)
Local dielectric-function modulation and exciton recombination efficiency in monolayer WS2 flakes
Cesar Moreno (ICN2, Spain)
Atomically-precise Graphene Nanoarchitectonics
Viet-Hung Nguyen (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Electronic localization in small-angle twisted bilayer graphene
Tim Nowack (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Controlling the photoluminescence of liquid phase exfoliated γ-InSe nanosheet thin films by centrifugation-based size selection
Stephen Power (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Manipulating valley currents in graphene nanostructures
David Saleta (ICN2, Spain)
Systematic study of the thermal conductivity of MoSe2 as a function of thickness - from bulk to monolayer
Williams Fernando Savero Torres (ICN2, Spain)
Room temperature spin Hall effect in CVD graphene/Pt heterostructures
Haldun Sevinçli (Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey)
Charge Transport in Multilayer Graphene Oxide: Bulk Diffusion versus Device Properties
Yaqing Shen (Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials (FUNSOM), China)
Anatomy of 2D materials based memristors: the role of each type of defect
Filipa Silva (I3S, Portugal)
Graphene-based materials as platforms for skin disease treatment
Simon Skrzypczak (IEMN, France)
Switch RF based on 2d materials
Sergey Slizovskiy (National Graphene Institute, The University of Manchester, UK)
Dielectric susceptibility of graphene due to its out-of-plane polarizability
Hadar Steinberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Spectroscopy of Two-Dimensional Superconductors with van der Waals Tunnel Junctions
Maria Tenorio (ICN2, Spain)
Built-in atomically sharp superlattice heterojunctions from hybrid Nanoporous Graphene
Klaas-Jan Tielrooij (ICN2, Spain)
Graphene for nonlinear THz photonics and thermal management
Andrea Tomadin (Università di Pisa, Italy)
Microscopic theory of plasmon-enabled resonant terahertz detection in bilayer graphene
Sebin Varghese (ICN2, Spain)
A novel technique to measure thermal diffusion of thin films
Marc Vila Tusell (ICN2, Spain)
Spin dynamics in the topological, low-symmetry MoTe2 and WTe2
Peng Xiao (ICN2, Spain)
Reversing of humidity response of MoS2- and WS2-based sensors with metal coatings
Wenwen Zheng (Soochow University, China)
Effect of metal deposition on atomically h-BN
Kaichen Zhu (Soochow University, China)
Fully inkjet printed h-BN memristors
31/31 |
ePoster Submission: If you want to submit an ePoster (electronic poster contribution), please use the ePoster submission form online to send us your abstract - More Info |
ePoster size: A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) (Portrait) / PDF Format / Size < 5Mb. This file will be requested once the abstract submitted is approved. Organisers will send a special link to submit it. |
Important note: All ePosters approved will be available online in the website (abstract + ePoster) |
ePOSTERS (5) |
Valeria Chesnyak (CNR-IOM, Italy)
Towards synthesis and characterization of heterogeneously doped graphene nanostructures
Christophe Donnet (University Jean Monnet, France)
Graphene and Boron-doped Graphene by Pulsed Laser Deposition
James Garcia (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
A simple model relating gauge factor to filler loading in nanocomposite strain sensors
Álvaro Peña (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Few-layered mesoporous graphene obtained through high energy dry ball-milling.
Fabrice Piazza (Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Dominican Republic)
Diamane and diamanoids as new non-vdW 2D materials
5/5 |
Flash Poster : All ePoster contributions will be evaluated by Scientific/Organising Committees. You ePoster can be approved for:
- Only ePoster or
- Flash Poster + ePoster |
Instructions: The 5 minutes Flash Poster contribution consists of a 3 Power Point slides related with the presented ePoster.
This presentation should be sent to Organisers 2 days before the online conference.
Limited number of "Flash Poster" slots will be available. All Flash Posters approved will be available online in the website (abstract + ePoster + Presentation) |
Mahmoud Mohamed Saad Abdelnabi (Sapienza university of Rome, Italy)
Hydrogen isotopes functionalization of nano-porous graphene: attainment of stable and low-defect free-standing graphane
Gabriele Bianca (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Solution-processed photoelectrochemical (PEC)-type photodetectors based on layered GaSe and GeSe nanoflakes
Dorde Jovanovic (Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia)
Is solar going indoors?
Bárbara Diego Lisboa Amaral Lopes (ICN2, Spain)
Graphene Nanostructures Integration in Nanophotonic Biosensors
Chuyao Tong (ETHZ, Switzerland)
Valley and Spin Blockade in Graphene Quantum Dots
Panaiot Zotev (University of Sheffield, UK)
Transition metal dichalcogenide photonic dimer nano-antenna with ultra-small gap
6/6 |